It’s one thing to go along with the crowd,
it’s another to go your own way.

Discipline Dubbel
It is an ascending desire to be self-aware and self-sustaining that fulfills his destiny. Fueled by humility and magnanimity, he creates a spirited structure and support for discipline. For if we allow ourselves not only to follow but to lead, St. Bernard can direct our predestination.
- Our 2020 U.S. Open Gold Medal award-winning Belgian Dubbel with notes of toasted bread, brandied cherry, and caramel
- ABV 7.3%
Spalter Select, Czech Saaz
Dingeman’s Pale Malt, Weyermann Pils Malt, Abbey Malt, Special W. CSI 45 & 90 Candi Sugars

The Way Tripel
A twisted life debating her desires, torn between ordinance and the lure of the unknown. She can question her cravings, but never her intent as she interrupts the whispers with a covenant of controlled confidence. We too shall challenge ourselves to elevated grounds as St. Teresa leads the way.
- Our 2021 U.S. Open Gold Medal award-winning Belgian Tripel boasts notes of honeydew melon and citrus.
- ABV 8.8%
German Huell Melon, Saphir
Dingeman’s Pale Malt, Weyermann Pils Malt, CSI Golden Candi Sugar

Indominous Quadrupel
A quiet, but universal force who is the leader of our divine feathered squadron. He is a protector of protectors, fighting against evil and ill-will. Greeting Satan at his doorstep, he escorts the less evil to heaven at their hour of death. Only those who fear St. Michael shall be diminished by him.
- A dangerously drinkable dark Belgian Ale. Notes of raisin, cacao, and burnt sugar.
- Our 2023 U.S. Open Gold Medal award-winning Belgian Quadrupel
- ABV 9.7%
Spalter Select
Dingeman’s Pale Malt, Weyermann Pils Malt, Abbey Malt, Biscuit Malt, Simpson Extra Dark Crystal. CSI 90 & 180 Candi Sugars.

Walk on Water
Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Peter got out of the boat and walked on water, but seeing the wind he became frightened and began to sink. Throughout life, the daily storms can rock our boat and create doubt and fear in our souls. As Peter, our brother, walked on water, he showed us how, through the miracle of faith, we can release fear and doubt and walk toward peace with the understanding that all will be well. Enjoy in faith.
- Our 2020 U.S. Open Silver Medal award-winning Belgian Witbier is brewed with lemon, orange peel, and coriander.
- ABV 5.3%
Mt. Hood
Rahr Premium Pilsner, White wheat, Torrified Wheat, Rye, Flaked Oats

Umibōzu Premium Lager
Umibōzu, a “Sea Monk” of Japanese folklore, has haunted sailors throughout the centuries. Rising suddenly from ocean waters, Umibōzu brought fear to fishing crews that would furiously labor to get back to land before being thrown into murky waters. Imagine the stories shared by sailors who cheated Umibōzu- stories told over a glass of their local nectar of choice- rice beer. Umibōzu. For those who have stories to tell.
- Light and crisp with a New World hop character from Mandarina Bavaria and Pacifica hops
- ABV 5%
Mandarina Bavaria, Pacifica
Weyermann Barke Pils, Jasmin rice

Chant Lager
The rhythm of the day begins with gratitude for the wonder that surrounds. Translated into a rhythm, repeated in mindful discipline, Chant expresses gratitude, peace, and order bringing light to life and freedom to the mind.
Harvesting the internal energy of spirit, sensitivity grows, awareness expands, and unity with others stirs compassion for good and generous acts willing one toward a state of grace through the creation of the divine self. Let the rhythm of your Chant lead you to live with strength of mind, steadfastness of character, and the courage to seek that which is yet to be seen.
- Our beloved dry-hopped beer.
- German malt with a delicate hop spiciness
- ABV 5.4%
German Tettnanger, Czech Saaz
Weyermann Barke Pils Malt

Shared Spirit
It’s one thing to go along with the crowd, it’s another to go your own way. There is importance in both, as we all share the spirit within, but it is the weight of these forces that fuel our desires. All around us, there exists a deep reservoir of love, goodwill, and guidance. We must follow the words of the spirits around us and the spirits within, to share our love, share our voice, and share the spirit.
- An India pale ale that rises above the narrow and reaches the ecstasy of the complex with a tropical hop character, a balanced mouthfeel, and a slight haze in its appearance.
- Our 2022 U.S. Open Bronze Medal award-winning IPA
- ABV 6.4% (as it is on the can)
South African Southern Passion, US Citra, Lotus, Simcoe, Azacca
Rahr Pilsner Malt, Flaked Oats

Attainment Dipa
The personal act of attainment is a journey that commands one to consider what is worth the effort, for attainment requires sacrifice, and sacrifice is not in the nature of the mortal. Our nature is more inclined to obtain “things” that may be easily valued, whereas, the attainment of a state of being can only be deemed as priceless. A state of love and joy made permanent is a state of grace and grace can only be attained through a deep humility and a commitment to faith and trust that each day brings the gift of the unexpected.
- Luscious passion fruit, mango, citrus marmalade, and notes of coconut from Sabro, Zamba, Citra, and Mosaic hops
- ABV 8.4%
Sabro, Zamba, Citra, Mosaic
Rahr 2- row, Flaked Rye, Red Wheat malt

Inspired by sandcastles and sunshine this take on a Mexican style amber lager will transport you to where the water is warm and the beer is cold. A toasted malt character with a hint of sweetness and a subtle note of maize finishes with a hint of lime. Its orangish/ amber color will remind you of a sunset over the Gulf of Mexico.
- Available Spring / Summer
- Our 2022 U.S. Open Silver Medal award-winning Amber Lager
- ABV 4.8%
Czech Saaz, Saphir
Weyermann Barke Pils, Vienna, Melanoidin and Flaked Maize

Resurrector Doppelbock
Behold, I am making everything new. The sun rises and the sun sets. In this new day, we experience a resurrection, a rebirth into the light of the world. As a flower stretches to the light and absorbs the energy to create a beauty to be shared by those whose eyes are open, so to should we, so that each one of us can share the beauty of our blessed gifts, making all things new in the resurrection of the day.
- Strong dark lager, originally brewed by German Monks as sustenance for Lent
- Maillard caramelization, toasty rich, and clean
- ABV 8.9%
Weyermann Isaria Pils, Abbey, Caramunich III, Carabelge, Special W, Melanoidin
Magnum, Spalter Select

Prost! Festbier is made for celebration! Oktoberfest, annual festival in Munich, Germany, held over a two-week period and ending on the first Sunday in October. The festival originated on October 12, 1810, in celebration of the marriage of the crown prince of Bavaria, who later became King Louis I, to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. Ours features a rich maltiness balanced perfectly by a clean hop crispness. It’s only here for a short period of time so get it while you can! Zum Wohl!!
- Rich, malty and clean. Super drinkable.
- ABV 6.5%
Spalter Select, Saphir
Weyermann Barke Pils, Melanoidin, Dingemans Munich

Brother Ivan
Na Zdorovie, Brother Ivan, and look within. It has been said that there is not a mystery in staying alive, but a mystery in finding life’s purpose. Thou spirit above has named you as his endowment. And thus you must be handed over to the depths of your sorrow until you reach your own Signal de Botrange. Find your reserves of kindness and compassion and dust them off. Start living large and find your meaning.
- A rich, complex Imperial Stout with notes of dark fruit, roasted coffee, and chocolate.
- ABV 9.7%
US Jarrylo
Baird Maris Otter Malt, Baird Dark Crystal, Thomas Fawcett Roasted Barley, Thomas Fawcett Pale Chocolate Malt, Flaked Barley